Tag: The Bee and The Spider

Blown away

I woke early this morning. It was windy and noisy as well as warm. I stepped outside and looked up at the stars – it was a clear sky. I read this from Brain Pickings and the poem by Joseph Pintauro, about the wind, seemed made for the moment. It’s a beautiful post.

I was asleep by 8:30pm last night after an eventful day that included a short burst of chasing my grandson around on my knees. I am out of shape for crawling, but it was so much fun that I kept doing it, rewarded with giggles and cuddles from him.

I did a jewellery making workshop at The Bee and the Spider yesterday ran by Sarah Munnings Jewellery and I made myself a ring (pic) and some earrings. It was really fun to smash on the metal and we smiled about channelling blacksmiths as we soldered and put the heated metal in the water to cool it with a hiss. My friend Jane Darling made some stunning pieces as well, that I forgot to photograph because I rushed off at to visit my daughter.

When I searched for the link to Matilda’s business I came across this fable – so clever!

This week I let go of the Gippsland Woman project and handed it over to a team of good women who have stepped up to be responsible for the resource. My involvement has been a series of great learning experience for me. I don’t feel that it is any way nearly complete, it’s just started and I look forward to the improvements the team will bring.