Read if you have a Home Loan

If you are paying more than 7.19% on your homeloan, you should check out My Rate. The whole process was completed via phone/internet and fax, which was perfect for me. I find that fitting in visits to banks and having ‘meetings’ with people to be a big time waster.
The reduction in interest rate on my loan comes with no bank fees and it has allowed me to save enough to better support my daughter as she heads off to Uni. The service was helpful and friendly and I would recommend it.

I Heard the Owl Call My Name

This book, written by Margaret Craven, is a truly beautiful book. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It is the story of a man who works in a remote place with people whose culture is eroding and being absorbed by the wider world. It is just lovely and I highly recommend it.
It is a book that calls you to enjoy it, I thought about it during the busy day and couldn’t wait to get to it. It is a small book, too small – it didn’t last long enough.

Luckily I have a mountain of other great books waiting, or I might be miserable right now having completed it.

PS: There is a movie, so I will look out for it!

Dieting and Chocolate

I have being doing great with my exercising and have improved my fitness. I am using an exercise machine and started off being able to do 6 kms in 20 minutes and now can do over 8. It is taking a lot more to get my heart rate up and I feel generally better.

My diet however has not been sustained, so I am not losing any weight. I find low carb diets work well for me, but the chocolate always continues to beckon me. Low Carb chocolate is expensive and doesn’t scratch the itch. I am going to have to just bite the bullet though and deprive myself of this pleasure to get the weight off.

I will have to satisfy myself with reading about it, perhaps at Chocolate Dreams.