Category: reflection

August 2024

The wind has been a lot this week.

I enjoyed ‘Praiseworthy’ and when I first got the audio, I wasn’t sure I would get through the length. It was worth it. I listen when I go to bed so I listened to this book twice, feeling like I had missed bits. I intend to reread.

“We have no problem recognising the benefits of physical exercise, Wright observed. Isn’t mental exercise just as important? We are an affluent country with a good education system; there is no reason why readers shouldn’t be able to come to grips with a work of literature written, as she put it, “at scale”.”

James Ley Deputy Books + Ideas Editor

(from The Conversation, Books + Ideas Newsletter)

I love this blog. The two blogs Euan Semple referred to, sent me into hours of reading. This post is relatable to me.

This thought-provoking article has me wondering about how to make a change in the way I see the lives of young people. I have had a real shift in my ideas about using technology at school.

“His focus on smartphones has been widely reported. But his equally important emphasis on the cultural preoccupation with protecting us from harm has received less attention.”

June 2024

Why can’t terms be 10 weeks?

This podcast is remarkable. I especially loved the clouds one.

I feel like there is a lack of visions for a better future. I read this:

If you need a game to enhance your reading: I don’t really. I love reading. One of my favourite forms of escapism!

Change the Date

I was listening to an astrology podcast about this month and a large cycle of aspects between Saturn/Uranus that began in 1988 was mentioned. The final one in the series is occurring this year. A breakdown of old structures and revolution is the energy of this time. It’s about change. Here’s more information about the astrology:

One of the things to change is the national celebration of invasion in this country, surely we are better educated now. I can’t celebrate this country on this date. It is wrong and needs to change.

Here’s an article about 1988 –

It’s not just one thing that needs to change.

A local article from Gippslandia about one thing we could do around here:

I listened to the latest podcast from Rob and Elena that celebrates the work of Indigiearth founder, Sharon Winsor. There are many ways to support change. I’d love to hear more about readers ways.