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Change the Date
I was listening to an astrology podcast about this month and a large cycle of aspects between Saturn/Uranus that began in 1988 was mentioned. The final one in the series is occurring this year. A breakdown of old structures and revolution is the energy of this time. It’s about change. Here’s more information about the astrology:
One of the things to change is the national celebration of invasion in this country, surely we are better educated now. I can’t celebrate this country on this date. It is wrong and needs to change.
Here’s an article about 1988 –
It’s not just one thing that needs to change.
A local article from Gippslandia about one thing we could do around here:
I listened to the latest podcast from Rob and Elena that celebrates the work of Indigiearth founder, Sharon Winsor. There are many ways to support change. I’d love to hear more about readers ways.
It has to change
Review of podcast Appetite for Change.