Flying South by L M Elliott

“Flying South” was a delightful read for young teenagers. It was set in America’s south in the 60s and was a tale about grief, discrimination and courage. It was light although covering serious topics. The protagonist is a young girl who through her social isolation has a close friendship with the aging gardener. The story shares the lessons she learns from him, importantly the letting go of him. It dealt with the death beautifully.
I have now began two other books as well as continuing with Linda Goodman’s Gooberz, which I am surprised by how enjoyable it is. I am becoming a fan of poetry, after disliking it for so long.

Eclipse Links

Several friends have been complaining of not feeling quite right since Saturday and I was reading about eclipses on this astrology site and thought I’d share it for those of you who are piceans, sagittarians, geminis or virgos especially.There is another link here for you if you would like more.
You might like to play this Sage Game too if you are feeling like the force is rippling as I am right now. I have some kind of health issue that is making me feel faint, nauseous and headachey. I’m told that gastro is going around and perhaps it has got me.

Free Body Lotion – Forget It!

Today I received an advertising email offering free body lotion. I would actually prefer it if they took some of my body lotion away. It would be more enticing. I am having a day where materialism is sickening me. I feel that I want to shed most of my possessions because they are just a drag. We all just accumulate too much. What is it all for?
I actually cried today over an exhibition of rampant materialism as I perceived it, but I think I am feeling quite unwell at the moment so am possible more sensitive.
My year 9 class is studying poverty right now, so I wonder if this is having an effect on me. I have naturally been discussing the Millennium Goals with those around me. When we had the conversation in our curriculum team, some of the adults complained they were impossible and ridiculous. They didn’t believe it was possible. This is why I love teenagers. They were optimistic and enthusiastic about it. They wanted to know what they could do to make it happen. They felt certain it was achievable and it was important to them to make it happen.