Love is all you need

I read Craig Harper’s blog on Sunday night and was touched by one of his readers stories. I have been reading this blog for a while and whilst it’s often amusing, I think his latest post, ‘Maybe the Beatles Were Right’ is the best of his posts I’ve read. He’s so right and perhaps so were the Beatles as well as a lot of others who have mentioned this over time. I have had my own little wake up calls around this topic this last week or so, so I know what I am talking about here.

May is seriously birthday month around here. Tom, Pat, Nicole, my nana were all born in May. I seem to know heaps of people born then also. It’s Kat’s birthday today. Happy birthday to you…etc.

My parents have headed off in their caravan to join the grey nomads. I’m delighted for them. I will also miss them. I love having them nearby even though I don’t see them all the time. It will be great for them to get away and see this great country though.

Mothers Day

I had a beautiful mothers day for lots of reasons. My kids spoilt me with my favourite things, warm slippers, chocolates, books and DVDs. I love being spoilt. I have always totally enjoyed mothers day and my birthday. I’m definately not one of those ‘Don’t make a fuss’ people. I say bring on the treats.
I had a great surprise at school today also when one of my reluctant readers turned up reading a book. He told me enthusiastically he’d enjoyed reading. That’s all it takes to make me smile as a teacher.
All is well in my world.

The Red Shoe by Ursula Dubosarsky and other Red Shoes

I thoroughly enjoyed ‘The Red Shoe’. The book contains some imaginative historical insight into the times and Ursula Dubosarsky has written ‘How I came to write ‘The Red Shoe’‘ explaining this. It was a beautifully written story containing many touching moments. I explained to my students it dealt with dark subjects from the vague experience and sensations of a child, who described things she couldn’t understand without judgement and with a innocent perception.

It has been shortlisted for the CBCA Awards in the ‘Books for Mature Readers’ category. Interestingly the other book I have read also has the same colour in it’s title. They were both so great, I don’t know how they will choose.

There is something wild about the image of red shoes. The Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale The Red Shoes about the girl who can’t stop dancing was one of my favourites. I also love the Kate Bush song and album by the same name.

Picture with permission from Lucinda Surber, check out the blog Red Stuff for more cool photos of red things.