nine inch nails & david bowie I’m afraid of americans I’m a fan of David Bowie. I have been for a long time. One of my students in their “Person I Admire” year 9 oral presentation, spoke about David Bowie. It was well-reseached and well delivered and she wasn’t aware I was a fan. Her excellent taste paid off! |
Some Week!!
Some weeks should never be repeated and this was one of them.
I did have a very happy birthday though and indulged myself with a massage and a delicious brunch with my cherished children. I received lots of calls and birthday wishes and felt very well loved and grateful for all the gorgeous people in my life.
Everything goes pear shaped in the last week of school, but this week has been extra so.
I’m tired and ready for my holidays now. Hanging in there.
It’s my Birthday Tomorrrow
Start early with your celebrations!
During report writing week, I always read as though there is no tomorrow. My first consumption was ‘Conrad’s Fate‘ by Diana Wynne Jones
. It was an enjoyable read and I read The Merlin Conspiracy
, when my kids received it as a gift for Christmas a couple of years ago. My sister-in-law said the bookseller had told her it was a suitable replacement for kids who were suffering Harry Potter withdrawal. I enjoyed it, but I don’t think my son got through it.
I totally enjoyed Allie McGregor’s True Colours by Sue Lawson. It captures much of the angst I see in the teenagers who attend the place I work. It was a quick read and easy to devour. The characters were familiar and lovable.
I completed the first draft of my reports last night and am very pleased with myself because it is my birthday tomorrow and I always strive to be complete before then. I love my birthday.