Author: johblogs

Psst! Wanna make $500? Just give us the right name – National –

Psst! Wanna make $500? Just give us the right name – National –

This article in the paper today reminded me that a request for ‘someone you know’ who is qualified, went out at our work this week. I think this could make great sense actually. You would think very carefully about recommending someone you know to work at ‘your’ work. After all, you would have to see them everyday so you would be reminded on a daily basis that it was your idea they work there.
It makes you realise the value of friendships and networks too, if you were seeking work.
I guess this is also another sign that in the future workplaces will need to work at attracting people.

Achey, tired and crumbly

Thirteen week terms – how did they ever do this back in the day. I feel so exhausted I could crumble. Last night we had parent teacher interviews. They weren’t late, but when I got home I just went to bed. I was cold and it felt the cold was coming from the inside.