Author: johblogs

Fresh Start

I have started afresh with my blogging. I deleted the other three sites I have been playing with. This one wins. I don’t need to scatter my energies into four directions. I have a separate blog for work. That is enough! I have been playing with different templates and things though so you can expect to see something new and creative and wonderful template-wise shortly.
Technology is cool and fun. I’m enjoying playing with it. I want to keep it all together now though and not scatter my energies. I have also had some learning experiences recently about reading the fine print online. I have made some mistakes. Correction time!

Wyrd by Sue Gough

A novel written in 1993 that reminds me of Da Vinci Code. I am not sure why and will have to reread it but everytime I think of Da Vinci Code, I have a connection with Wyrd that I discovered in the school library and loved reading a couple of years ago.