Author: johblogs

I really ought to be correcting……

Ooh I found the Jedi Series funny. Yep, these are the kinds of things I do with my time when I should be doing mounds of correction…… Oh but this is really funny. Watch it and cry.

Can’t say what happened to episode 2, but I promise, when I find it, I’ll bring it to your attention. Ahhh procrastination, such a lifelong habit, difficult to break.

Visiting Pa II

Pa is in hospital now. He has had some complications. His chemo is progressing well though, so that was good. I have visited him both days of the weekend and also another friend who is unwell at present. I feel really lucky to have my health right now.
Today I took the kids in to see him and as we were leaving he said to them he was so proud of them and they were a credit to him. Lucky it was on the way out because I got pretty teary after that. I hate seeing him in hospital. He is so positive though. He says he hasn’t had a moment’s pain, not even a headache and he praises the staff and the equipment, taking an interest in everyone and everything. I feel he is a real credit to me.

David Almond & Baci

Just finished reading ‘The Fire Eaters’ and I wholeheartedly agree with the reviews on the back cover. It was a delightful book. David Almond is a great writer and his books are always refreshingly different to me.
I love reading. I have a couple more Gary Crew books to read now.
I am tired tonight so I shall retire early with my book and my Mothers Day ‘Bacio’. I love those chocolates as much for the love notes inside as the delightful chocs. I also like the silver and blue wrappings and I think the star design is divine too. I think they were created by someone with very similar taste as me!