Author: johblogs


All religion aside, I find Easter to always be a very sacred time of the year for me. No matter whether I have been away camping with friends, celebrating togetherness with my family or having a restful and recuperative time, as I am this year, I always gain some inner knowledge or healing. I am more aware of it now and I look forward to the season. It has usually come as a string of realisations or one of those aha moments when I see my life or purpose with fresh eyes.
Being part of a school community has already made Easter special this year. Our school had our students walk to the local creek and get water to raise awareness and empathy with those who don’t have water as readily available to them. It was a powerful experience for us all and I appreciate these things. It is always freeing for me to reflect on all the blessings I have. It is when I take things for granted that my life becomes mundane and I feel dissatisfied.

More time please

Right now I would like more time in my day.
I have so much I want to do and feel that I am rushing through from task to task and feeling impatient with things that waste any little second. The meeting schedule at work seems to have doubled this year and I can’t understand why.
I know we have new curriculum to implement but we have better paid ‘servant’ leaders with larger time allowances and they are covering a smaller range than previous curriculum leaders had to, which by rights should save time.
A lot of the meetings are covering information that could be easily distributed in other ways. I find it highly amusing that we expect students to meet deadlines and learn new things yet there seems to be no trust or expectations that teachers can do this.
Often there really isn’t room for imput or consultation and ‘pretending’ that is what a meeting is about is just insulting and annoying.
I should write all this on my work blog I suppose but it’s probably not politically correct and I really haven’t got time to discuss this with anyone right now- I am just having a vent! PS:
I have no photo of that but if you can imagine for a moment a cranky looking woman sitting in a meeting with too many other people to be effective silently grumbling to herself about why people still need to complain about things that are inevitable or explain blow by blow what they do in a classroom as if they are not in a room full (and I mean full) of people who do virtually the same things, yet don’t need to go into detail about it, every chance they get. I mean who are they trying to convince?
Mmm I have gone on and on.

The View

We went to Jeeralang after work today to look at some land that is for sale up there. We didn’t want it but the view was pretty. It was a long drive though. I know I wouldn’t want to drive all the way up there every day. It is nice to go and check out places. Today was just ok. It was another day of countless little chores and tasks and I am looking forward to the Easter break. People around me are looking frazzled to be honest and in some weird way that makes me feel not as bad as they look, so I feel semi relaxed. I found behaviours from students today annoying and irritating and mostly because they are the things I would normally ignore. I guess it is me and that’s what annoys me.