Author: johblogs

Awesome Youth

Camp was great. The students were enthusiastic and a joy to be around. Wilson’s Prom was as breathtakingly beautiful as it always is. The weather provided a pleasant enough stage to abseil, surf and walk, but canoeing proved too difficult with the wind on Thursday morning. I loved watching the kids develop friendships and independence and to my delight all students were collected within half an hour of our return, which is the best record yet.
There were some amazing young people on camp that really pushed themselves through their fears and limitations. The behavior was great and they responded very well to all that was asked of them. It was a really positive experience and I am looking forward to spending the year with this group. I know I say that every year, but only because it is true.
Any parents reading this please note that your children really miss you when they are away. They also appreciate your homes and food and many of them can’t wait to get home to their own showers and beds and cooking. They also mention brothers and sisters wistfully in ways you’d never probably believe as well as pets. Know you are loved and missed!
When I got home I collected my son from his friend’s house. The mother there said to me what a marvelous boy he was and how he is always welcome in their home. I felt proud as I always do. I often hear this about my son and feel such joy for him that he is so well loved. I know how great he is but it is wonderful to hear it from others.

School Camp with yr 7

Tomorrow I am off on school camp. I have been feeling very reluctant about it. I have been going on school camps for 5 years now and I think I may have had enough of it. I felt more enthused about it today because I genuinely want the kids to have a great time. Whilst trying to pacify their fears and get them enthused and excited I worked the magic on my own mind, which was good.

It is a lot of hard work though. I have to organise my classes that I will miss in my absence, plan my home to be away for 3 days and then be ‘mommy’ to 28 kids for 3 days and if I am lucky their parents will pick them up on time allowing me to get home before I drop. When I get home, because I have been away for 3 days I have to deal with catch up there. Then on Monday I will get to see whether the teachers who were taking my classes, actually stuck to the plan and the work got done. I hate feeling this cynical but I have been on camp and rarely experienced a variation to this routine.

It will be ok though because it is warm and I will get to do lots of great activities and be in nature and hopefully see independence and team building and all those inspiring wonderful things that I remember when I am asked if I am available to go on camp. It reminds me of childbirth really. You forget until it’s time to go! Lucky for that or my beautiful son wouldn’t be around. No, it wasn’t actually as bad as school camp – childbirth that is.

I will post a favourite photo when I get back, I promise and I haven’t forgotten the mask yet. I’m saving it for one day when I feel particularly lost for words.

This Womans Work

I listen to this song over and over again when I am missing my nana.
‘Give me these moments back
Give them back to me
Give me that little kiss
Give me your hand’

It just expresses how I feel. It is nearly 7 years since my nana died but she was my best person if you know what I mean and from time to time I miss her and I want to feel sad about it. This morning I am feeling like that.