Author: johblogs


The other two humans that share my house with me are both ‘infected’. A throat and ear. I wonder if they are related? The throat is a repeat infection but was treated the same way. I don’t understand medicine. I would have asked why it happened again.
I went back to school and taught very mediocre for the afternoon. I came home and had a nap. I feel lethargic and underwhelmed. My throat feels a little sore too. I wonder if it is a sympathetic pain or a real one. I will take some vitamins with dinner, when I get round to making it. It is only Mondayitis probably. I felt good this morning, organised and on track but that feeling has disappeared for now.

Daylight Saving – don’t you just love it.

Tonight we went for a walk down town at around 7.00pm. We walked through the park. It was mild and the light was perfect. I really appreciate the summer and daylight saving. It gives life a leisurely feel. There is time to enjoy the stroll down town, and still achieve a bit of housework and cook a worthwhile meal after work.
I had a good day at work and met my final class. The students were all respectful and well behaved and I hope that I can ensure the classes are interesting and challenging enough to keep them this way. I do love teaching. I know I can build a good relationship with the students. I enjoy learning and improving my skills and knowledge with them. I love getting to know them as people and sharing in this small year of their lives. It is a real privilege I think to be a teacher.

Massage – Just do it

I had a massage tonight. It was the best. I don’t understand why anyone would spend money on any other stress relief. A massage is the best. I have been having massages for probably 20 years. At some times I have had only one or two a year, now I have at least 4 a year. I feel it has really improved my health and helped me a lot. I love to massage the people I love but can rarely sustain the effort for more than half an hour. It is really great to pay for a massage, as I did tonight and enjoy over an hour of total attention to your needs. It is amazing. I feel great. Just do it. You will never look back!