Author: johblogs

The Weir

The weir has extended my holidays now that we have returned home. The weather has been warm and each afternoon we have driven out and had a swim. I’ve enjoyed the water this year like no other since I was a kid. These holidays have lasted longer and been more pleasurable.

The first day we were there, a family of kids was in the water where we were swimming and it was fun listening to the kids conversations. One kid (a girl I think) jumped in and said “oooh seaweed.” The boy replied “It’s not seaweed, you goose, it’s weir weed.” It was funny. The weed put me off a little at first, but the rest was too good to be skittish about that. After all I walk through grass to get there, what’s the big deal?

Above the clouds

Our last camping night was spent above the clouds at the Mt Skene lookout. I was so tired from the fear and supressed rage of the day that I retired to the tent before the sun left the sky. I am glad I took this photo of the wildflowers and the tops of the hills or I may have missed the beauty of the place entirely.

Huge Massive Flies

Once I had decided we were nearly home, I wanted to be there. The last two days I was cranky a bit of the time, companion would say most of the time. Feeling sorry for myself in an instance I took a photo of this massive fly that was trying to bite into my massive size 9 boot. I had to watch this fly because I was scared it would bite into me if I ignored it for a moment.

We had been driving along really rugged roads, that were definately more 4 wheel drive tracks and I had no idea where we were or how we were going to get out of it.