Author: johblogs

Quick note from Broken Hill

I am at the library at Broken Hill, using my last 10 minutes of time that I have left. This trip has been amazing. I have some great photo’s to put up but all that will have to wait until I get home. Broken Hill is a great place, the people are so helpful and generous and friendly. The place we are staying in absolutely rocks thanks to the lady who cleans and cooks and chats. She is a real character and her cooking has been scrummy.
This morning we got up at dawn and went out to the sculptures in the Living Desert. It was fabulous because we went there last night at sunset and there were heaps of people there including a couple of loud people who wanted to share with all of us what a wine could do to her volume. This morning it was just Andy and I. Great! Happy with photo’s too.
I’m missing my family especially my son. I read his blog before. I love him so much. He really knows how to appreciate his life.
Got to go, library staff are packing up. Don’t want to be kicked out.


I had a magnificent Christmas. I enjoyed the day with my family and I feel peace and goodwill.

Tomorrow I am off on a road trip to Broken Hill. I am looking forward to the time out and the adventure. I hope we will have a very interesting and enjoyable time. I want to get lots of good photo’s, enjoy writing and find the time to contemplate my life and my future as well as appreciate all I have in my life. I am confident I will do that.


Man boy who lives with me has bought himself a unicycle. I don’t think it has anything to do with Christmas but it could be his way of playing Santa to himself.
One of the real children in the family is working in a cafe being harrassed and abused and reduced to tears.
I am in a daze, wondering if I am prepared and trying to gather up the energy and joy to go with the season.
Other child is sleeping most of the time, only breaking to eat or talk on the phone.

Next week this season will be done.