Author: johblogs

I like this New Moon!

Today has been great for me! It’s a good start to the lunar month I must say.
I have received another gorgeous, hand picked from the garden, bunch of tulips. They are multi-coloured and absolutely lovely. This time the student was brave enough to bring them to the office for me himself and coped very well with all the extra attention he got for being so thoughtful.
Two tulips have bloomed in my own little Andy planted patch.
My best friend Rhonda has brought in piles of chocolates every day because her son sent her a large box. He’s working in a chocolate factory.
Tonight I had my monthly massage and I was intending making it every 6 weeks to save money. It was so divine, I spontaneously booked another for 4 weeks from today! Surely there is something else I could go without 🙂

Anita Roddick – Thanks for a Life of Service

I am deeply saddened to hear that Anita Roddick has passed away.If you are not familiar with her great deeds this wikipedia article is a good starting point. When I began my first business at 20, I bought a copy of ‘Body and Soul’ and it became like a bible to me. I have also read and reread ‘A Revolution in Kindness’ and ‘Business as Unusual’. She was such an inspiration to me. The world is truly a better place for her being in it. I am grateful to her, for all the examples she set. I wish her family and friends my condolences.

New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse – 11th September 2007

Nothing to see this time folks…
This eclipse will only be seen from parts of South America, Antarctica and the South Atlantic.
Diving Gracefully
I found this article about the astrology of this period and I feel like I am falling rather than diving gracefully as the article suggests one should do. I am about the age of 42 and as suggested, perhaps I am having a mid-life crisis. More likely I am just tired and coming to terms with a thing or two. I know I will get above this melancholy and resistance to the changes occurring in my life. Only 9 school days left of this term. Reports to write, parent interviews, a deb ball to attend added to the usual routine means my holidays will be a fitting reward.
Highly Charged Date
September 11th is a date we all shudder to hear. Six years ago…I remember that day facing a class of students and trying to make sense of what they’d seen on TV before coming to school that day. I hadn’t been teaching long, probably about 12 months (I was a late starter at 35). Not an event we’d ever want to see repeated anywhere on the planet.
On a Lighter Note
My son is no longer in Ja’mie’s top friends on MySpace. He was booted today. He took it well.
I got loaned a copy of the sequel to “Don’t Call Me Ishmael”. ‘Ishmael and the Return of the Dugongs”, I am told is even funnier. I could do with a laugh.