Category: reflection

How TV Effects Your Kids

Yesterday I watched a great movie called Thumbsuckers. It contained a great line that has really made me think “Television is a Trojan Horse in our Homes” (Thumbsuckers). I don’t watch much TV anymore. In fact I reckon I would watch less than 2 hours a week. I don’t find any value in it. In fact I find it annoying. I get news online now and I like that I can read lots of views from around the world.
This link is to an article that highlights some of the negatives of tv watching by kids. In talking to students many have tv’s in their bedrooms. Some houses I know have 3+ TVs in them. Trojan horses?

Museum Trip

I went to the museum on Tuesday, as I said a couple of posts ago. Here is my favourite couple of pictures. I love the red flying horse. I think it is a symbol for a petrol company or something, but it is too beautiful to be that. I think my Uncle Jack used to have a petrol station with the flying horse symbol too, so that could be another reason why I have such a fond feeling about it.

There was also this cute model ‘Mr Whippy’. How real does this photo look though? But I swear the model is quite small.

I also loved the Windmills

Tulips Make Appearance

Andy bought me some tulip bulbs. I am enjoying watching them appear. Each day I go to the place he planted them and watch as one by one they peak out of the ground. It has been the best gift of flowers I have received. There are now six little budding tulips to observe.