Category: reflection

Kate Bush on YouTube

I have finally checked out YouTube. I have been avoiding it because of my obsession with Revver and I just didn’t want to get hooked into something else. I have really enjoyed watching these Kate Bush clips tonight. Rocket Man is great with a bit of history. They are all from clips from TV as far as I can tell. I have been listening to “Like a Version 2” and the soundtrack from “I am Sam”, lately. There is something I like about hearing another version and interpretation of a song and lyrics.
Enjoyed this one too, one of my favourites Moments of Pleasure. The lyrics are amazing and she just delivers it magically, I reckon. I am such a fan! I am going to be back to check out more another time. This one with Peter Gabriel, ‘Don’t Give Up’ is another good one.

Podcasts and Theatre of the Mind

I listened to podcasts from Theatre of the Mind this week whilst I was walking. There are plenty on that site and they are quite interesting but contain a bit of promotion of their products, which are meditation CD’s. There are also articles on these things on that website/blog. The woman behind the business also mentioned Joseph Chiltern Pearce who wrote one of my favourite books “Magical Child
I have used these types of audio meditation and found them to be very good at improving my clarity and well being. It reminded me how effective they are and I am intending to find a timeslot in my day to include 30 minutes of it again. I am also going to find a space in my home to use exclusively for meditation.
bk_keywords:Chiltern Pearce.