Category: reflection

Discovering Podcasts

I have been aware of them for a while, but until I went away and actually listened to the dozen or so I had collected, I really had no appreciation for podcasting. It is a very cool thing though and tonight I have tried to find them but found it a bit difficult. It seems I have to stumble upon them as I did with the two I mentioned in my last post.

But I did find this Yahoo! Podcasts and whilst I haven’t fully explored it yet, it looks like a very good starting point, so I thought I would put the link here. If I find anything really good specifically I will mention it here.

The ABC website have lots too and I listened to a couple of Triple J ones as well as listening to New Dimensions (can’t download though) and The Book Show. I love the ABC website.

Podcasts and Walking

I think one thing that has made walking easier for me is that I have been downloading some podcasts to listen to whilst I walk. It is dark still at 6.00 in the morning so there isn’t much to see and listening to a podcast makes the time spent doubly valuable to me. This week I have been listening to Steve Pavlina’s podcasts:
I also found a site that I am going to try on the weekend, which has heaps of audios :, I haven’t listened to them yet, but they look interesting. It’s a fabulous resource though.