AKA How to Kill Your Neighbours Dog in some places
If you are looking for it in Australia or New Zealand though, it is Mad Dogs and Englishmen. This film, starring Kenneth Branagh, who is one of my favourite actors. This film was fabulous. I laughed and cried frequently throughout it. I highly recommend it as entertainment.
Discovering Podcasts
I have been aware of them for a while, but until I went away and actually listened to the dozen or so I had collected, I really had no appreciation for podcasting. It is a very cool thing though and tonight I have tried to find them but found it a bit difficult. It seems I have to stumble upon them as I did with the two I mentioned in my last post.
But I did find this Yahoo! Podcasts and whilst I haven’t fully explored it yet, it looks like a very good starting point, so I thought I would put the link here. If I find anything really good specifically I will mention it here.
The ABC website have lots too and I listened to a couple of Triple J ones as well as listening to New Dimensions (can’t download though) and The Book Show. I love the ABC website.
Podcasts and Walking
I think one thing that has made walking easier for me is that I have been downloading some podcasts to listen to whilst I walk. It is dark still at 6.00 in the morning so there isn’t much to see and listening to a podcast makes the time spent doubly valuable to me. This week I have been listening to Steve Pavlina’s podcasts:http://www.stevepavlina.com/audio/
I also found a site that I am going to try on the weekend, which has heaps of audios :http://www.audiodharma.org/talks-gil.html, I haven’t listened to them yet, but they look interesting. It’s a fabulous resource though.