Category: reflection

Motorbike Ride

Today I went on the back of the bike with Andy. I haven’t been on the back with Andy before. It was a thrill for me. We went to the supermarket. My exciting trip to Safeway!
I have only ever been on the back of a motorbike twice before. The first time was with my friend Steve, and he was trying to scare me and he did. I am ashamed to say I lost my moccasins that’s how scary it was. Yes, it is the part about wearing moccasins that shames me. My next ride was around Berwick with my friend John. That ride was at night and it was to the shop, around the block. It was a big bike and I trusted John. It was probably about 20 years later.
Anyway today was only a little ride, but it was fun. Andy’s bike is a dirt/road bike so it is smaller and bouncier. I enjoyed it. I was walking around the supermarket with a big grin on my face. I am pretty scared of motorbikes though. I just didn’t think too much about it today.

Watch a clip

I found this new site today called Revver. You can upload little video’s that you have taken on it and if anyone watches them and then clicks on the ads on the end, you get paid. This is probably not going to make you a fortune but the thing is that you can put your clips on there and share them. It is pretty cool I reckon. I have put one of the Road to Broken Hill that I took when we went on our holiday. It’s pretty basic. It will be interesting to see what the process is like though. Last I checked it had 10 views. I find this kind of thing quite amazing to be honest.

Lack of Stress Bad for You

I think not having enough stress in my life makes me just as tired as having too much. Alternatively I could be coming down with something. I have felt so tired this week. I love school though. My classes are very enjoyable. My year 9s this year are sensational and I really have enjoyed every lesson with them. The journals they are doing are amazing.
Tonight I have baked more biccies and they turned out even better than last time. I visited pa again and he is having a bit of trouble, but is so positive about the people treating him. I feel so proud of him with his upbeat attitude to this. He is such a great role model for me. He will be 86 in August and he never ceases to find the good spots in his life and tell you about them. It’s pretty easy to be with him.