Category: reflection

Moments of Pleasure

Tonight is massage night. I have been having a massage once a month since July. I have enjoyed every one of them and am looking forward to tonight’s pleasure.

My Kate Bush CD came in the mail today. I now have all her CD’s and this latest one, “Never For Ever” was the first Kate Bush album I bought so I am enjoying it and flashing back to being 16. I worked in a record shop and would listen to Kate Bush as frequently as I could. My favourite tracks were “The Wedding List”, “Army Dreamers” and “Breathing”. I loved them all in the end after hearing them over and over!
The title of this blog is a Kate Bush song as shown in this YouTube video. So after my earlier post this month on the imitations, here is the real thing. Enjoy!

I am up to season 5 in ‘The Gilmour Girls’. Last night I watched episode 11, when Luke created an ice-skating rink on Lorelai’s front lawn to reconcile her with snow. Such a romantic moment. I am loving their relationship.

So whilst I am missing Andy,(Postman Pat in Hobart), I am filling my life with some simple pleasures.

Mercury Retro Starts Oct 11th 2007

All my favourite astrologers are talking about the upcoming Mercury retrograde period that starts Friday 12th Oct in Australia and continues through to Nov 2.

When Mercury appears to be going backwards in the sky it is a time when communications can become tricky. Mercury rules all kinds of communications related activity.

The current mercury retrograde is discussed quite fully in this article by Rob Tillett on If you want to learn more about Mercury Retrograde in 2007 and all retrograde planets, has dates and simple explanations.

Back to School

I’m actually looking forward to returning to school. I’ve been a bit of a hermit these holidays and it will be good to catch up with my friends and to see the kids.

The last term is usually a very quick and frantic term and I feel quite prepared and rested and recovered from last terms pains. I am planning some trips for the next holidays because I don’t think I could do another holiday totally at home like this. I have spent the last two breaks virtually at home. My home is in order now. I feel free to take off again next chance I get.