Category: reflection

Trip to Wollongong #1

We took almost a week to arrive in Wollongong on the 1st of this year. We experienced a range of weather. We left the smoky Latrobe Valley on December 27th, although we had intended leaving on Boxing Day, we were delayed by a day. Heading towards the hills, literally, we passed through Seaton on our path towards the ranges. Many of our planned routes were closed due to the bushfires that were burning and we saw lots of smoke and burnt out areas.
Our first night was spent at a delightful creek where we had our first swim. It felt invigorating to wash off the dusty, smoky aura that had surrounded me. The chill of the river water had me breathing deeply.
We camped here for the night. I must admit I felt nervous as I could hear in the distance trees falling in the bush. I heard 3 or 4 and that was enough for me. At some point during the night gentle rain fell on the tent and this soothed my fears enabling me to sleep deeply.
The next day we headed back on the dirty, churned up 4WD track heading across a river crossing first then up a hill. The road had been graded, probably due to the fires and we had some difficulty with it. We headed towards our planned route towards Mt Angus, hoping to make the Moroka River that night. The road became totally impassable with huge trees blocking the road entirely. We found another path, and from there we headed to Bairnsdale with the intention of staying in a motel and revisiting the route from there. We were tired. It had been challenging. My challenge was fear. I was apprehensive about the fires and the roads and the heights, Andy had to do all the decision making and concentration on driving. The road was the worst we had traveled on and the car, hit rocks underneath on two occasions, once causing damage that he had to repair. I am pretty blessed to have such a competent companion.

Law of Attraction Stories

I spent time on a  beautiful beach at sunset in Austinmer was taken at the end of a wonderful day I had during the week we spent at Wollongong. Lots of magical things had happened and I felt really happy, grateful and peaceful.
Peak Performance has a good story to support your thinking around the laws of attraction. Don’t we all need as many triggers to think like this as possible?
Steve Pavlina discusses Gratitude and states

“When you feel grateful for existence itself, you move from doing grateful to being grateful. At this level you finally activate the Law of Attraction because you’re broadcasting gratitude all the time. It becomes part of your identity. Ultimately you attract circumstances that resonate with who you are.”

I looked up my wish list today on Froogle and found that I had actually received everything that was on my list. I was quite astounded and as I looked back over it I reflected that I had a range of things; from things I knew I would probably get, to things that seemed quite impossible at the time. I also noted that the ‘things’ had come to me in all different ways and it would have been unlikely for me to predict how they would come, at the time. The point is that I decided I wanted them, I made the list then forgot about it and it happened. I’ve made a new list needless to say. I want to apply that elsewhere!


Last night I watched this movie, Chumscrubbers.  My son recommended it to me and said it was like Donnie Darko as he knew I’d really enjoyed that. He finds great movies!
Andy and I found this movie quite disturbing, because we can see the reality in it. It was scary to watch and scary because you can recognise so much of our existence in it. I was just saying to my friend the other day how I really don’t know what my kids life is like, but I just have to trust them. I really try to stay in good communication with them but I know there are times I don’t succeed. I don’t think I am as extreme as the parents in the movie, but I am confident that some of us are some of the time. If you are a parent, you should watch this.
It also speaks to me of the drug culture in our society. I really find the ADHD drugging of children disturbing. I am not an expert and I probably don’t have any qualification to say that, but I just feel it’s not right. It reminds me of that other great film ‘Thumbsuckers‘, it had one of the same actors in it as well as a host of other great names.
I found this little clip on MSN that discusses the parent angle in this film, you might like to watch that too.
On a lighter note, this blogger found this to comment on, which is another aspect of the film that was lighter and more enjoyable.