Zefrank’s Learning Strategies

Zefrank has some seriously good ideas delivered in his usual frank and delightful way. I am a fan.

Interestingly he uses divorced people as a metaphor and after spending a really positive evening with my ex-husband, current family and friends and ex-in-laws last night to celebrate my wonderful 18 year old’s birthday, I know it works, interestingly enough. Watch the video, it may make sense. If not – Oh well. It was a great night.

Some Week!!

Some weeks should never be repeated and this was one of them.
I did have a very happy birthday though and indulged myself with a massage and a delicious brunch with my cherished children. I received lots of calls and birthday wishes and felt very well loved and grateful for all the gorgeous people in my life.
Everything goes pear shaped in the last week of school, but this week has been extra so.
I’m tired and ready for my holidays now. Hanging in there.