
I am really interested in China and all things chinese. I have just created a revver collection of video from China and have looked through lots of videos. Some of them are not to my taste, but I love the clips of the countryside and that show China as a place. I would love to walk that Great Wall one day. It is definately on my wish list too.
We are currently covering Imperial China in history with my year 7s and on Friday we were discussing foot binding. I felt so emotional about it. I had a past life ‘recollection’ once that involved foot binding so I guess that has made it more real for me.
I like to keep up with the articles on Newsvine about China also.

Monthly Stars for October

Yes, I love astrology. I particularly like this months Michael Lutin horoscope as it accurately reflects how I have been for a while now. It was kind of affirming to see it in writing. Check out the funny photos on the weekly stars whilst you are there. My sign, Sagittarius is particularly appropriate I think.
I think I noticed some angelic intervention at work today. It was interesting that we had this whole ‘Angel’ thing at the start, cynical as I am at times about the whole religion thing, there were many people today mentioning how things had worked out really well despite being totally mucked up. Ironic and seemingly angelic to me at the time.