
I have spent a bit of time this week looking at houses for sale. I like houses that are spacious and a bit different. There aren’t too many around. I have always been willing to overlook many expensive problems for something in that category. Which is quite dangerous to my finances. It’s lucky I have someone who is level headed with me this time.
A bit different, to me, is not paint colour or extreme laminex, but structual difference. I like homes that have been built to incorporate the environment outside or with designs that take into account views or weather. I like houses that are not the same as every other house in the streets. I like streets with individual houses and no twins in sight.
There are a lot of little houses with renovations done that are fabulous and others that are too extreme and appear out of character for the house. I am growing to prefer the beige that Stan our interior decorator when we were in ‘Unique Furnishings’ always recommended with a laugh. Reminds me of the ‘beige joke’ told at my wedding.

Winter Naked Tree

If I think I am cold imagine how this poor tree must feel
It is so cold though. I don’t feel motivated. The son’s gland in his throat is so huge. I was listening to him breathe last night because I was scared the other side might get that big and there would be no channel for him to breathe through. He survived needless to say. I probably should take him to the doctors but he’s already had penicillin twice this year and I don’t think it is healthy. We’ve taken him about 4 times and had swabs and the blood tests for glandular fever. It is still happening though. I am going to make him rest and hopefully his body will find the resources to fight it once and for all.