Gary Crew

I want to go to bed and read and I am about to after I write this. I love Gary Crew books. I am reading one at present called ‘Edward Britton’ that he cowrote with Philip someone, Nelson maybe, I really should check. If I was Philip I would be annoyed to read this. The chances are he won’t so I will look it up another day because I can’t spare the time right now to walk to my bedroom as it will deprive me of reading time.
I first ‘met’ Gary Crew’s books in the picture book section of our school library. I loved his picture books and read as many as I could. I took ‘The Lost Diamonds of Killercrankie’ to Tasmania with me when I last went there on a holiday and it made the best holiday reading. I have used ‘I Saw Nothing’ with my year 7 classes for many years and I feel it introduces endangered species beautifully. I loved ‘The Lacemakers Daughter’ and was really surprised by it. Before embarking on the current book, I enjoyed ‘Strange Objects’. I have used plenty of the other picture books, and there are plenty with my classes and the thing I love the most is that he has written so many. It’s great.


I have been walking the past two nights. Andy and I are checking out homes around town that we see for sale in the local paper. It really is a great way to look at them. You can get a better feel for the area if you approach it on foot. I am also feeling more well. I have a little more energy in my day. This is not new information to me but I seem to always slip off the walking path and just stop. I feel too tired, it’s too cold, I’m too busy are some of the excuses I use. I resist the urge to make any grand promises about never doing this again. I hope I continue to be this kind to myself.
Autumn is the best time to walk though. I love the leaves. The crunchy deep ones as well as the drifting ones that fall like confetti yet more elegantly and gently. I love the days that are sunny and clear yet have a coolness that allows you do do plenty. It is a great time of the year.

I haven’t been writing many posts lately. Not entirely sure why, but mostly haven’t had much to say. I feel contented right now and that is enough for me.

Webquest Progressing well…

Today I went into school, yes, on a public holiday and completed the webquest. I feel  happy about that. It is ready for the students to begin tomorrow. There are still a couple of finishing touches we need to make but I am rapt. I really wanted to do that webquest, but I just didn’t really want to do it in my own time.

The thing is with most of these projects, the only time there is to do them is your own time, so I had to just make the sacrifice. It wasn’t so bad and I feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment now. I am glad I agreed to do it. I am also pleased I finished the tiling. Perhaps in some way it helped me to finish the webquest. The completion energy rose from finishing things I wanted to do or some such thing.maybe…