This is so cool

I really can’t believe I have done this. It wasn’t that hard really. I like writing. The ‘novel’ is lacking a great storyline and quite a few other features that would make it enjoyable for other people to read to be frank with myself as well as you, but I learnt that I could actually keep up the daily writing thing with ease and quite a lot of pleasure besides. This was good. I am going to do this again. I made it. Woot! – as the kids at school say. I would celebrate only I don’t especially feel like drawing attention to myself. I am happy and satisfied on the inside and that’s heaps for me.
The other cool thing I must own is that I am so close to finishing my reports that I may just be celebrating that tomorrow night. I really have a great feeling that I have taken my life back under my own control. Feels good!

Avoiding Report Writing

Today I want to write my reports for my students. Every time I get to this time of the year I get the urge to clean my house, start a new business, write a novel, visit an elderly relative I have been neglecting and to read. I read the most I ever read around report writing time.

Yesterday I felt I was being choked to death slowly and painfully by my ‘to do’ list that I hadn’t had time to write down. Many of the things on that to do list were urgent and I’m afraid Mr Covey I was beyond figuring out whether they were important or not. I hadn’t slept the night before worrying that if I were to forget one of the things on my list it would create a large catastrophe in my life.

No matter how organised I get, procrastination and panic are my constants.


I’m finally reading Billy Connelly’s biography. I am a fan. I have seen him twice in Melbourne. He is returning soon I hear and I will have to pass, for lots of reasons. I would enjoy it. I have never laughed so much than when I saw his shows. It was a great workout for my stomach muscles.

I am finishing ‘The Road to Camelot’ a collection of Authurian short stories edited by Sophie Masson. So far my favourite was Isobelle Carmody’s story about Guinevere.

I’ve just started ‘Rasberries on the Yangtze’ by Karen Wallace.

I am looking forward over the next few weeks to collecting a pile of books for my summer reading. Any suggestions anyone?