Massage Course – Day Two

Today was the final day of the introductory massage course. I feel confident to give massage to my nearest and dearest now. I purchased a table as I can see that having one will enable me to give a better massage, for longer, without tiring or injuring myself.

I was pleased with the course I have participated in. I was surprised how quickly the breaks came. I never felt bored or restless for a second. That is unusual for me in a course. This was very hands on and I think it’s a great way to learn a practical skill.

The instructors were very professional and knowledgeable. They presented well and created a very safe learning environment. Their instructions were clear and the course was well structured. I was more relaxed and comfortable today. Yesterday it was all very new to me. It’s amazing to feel such progress in learning.

I initially intended only to complete this introductory module, yet feel it is quite likely that I will complete the certificate or perhaps even the diploma. Whilst I don’t see any likelihood of becoming a professional, I think it is an awesome skill for a number of reasons. I might tell you about them another time, because I have plenty to catch up on around here!!

Who Do Teens Admire?

This week in my year 9 English class, students were delivering prepared oral presentations on the subject “A Person I Admire”. I love this assignment. Every year, I have been delighted as students have usually prepared well and revealed the heroes in their lives.

Most years there are a couple of ‘celebrity’ heroes and they have predominantly been sporting and entertainment heroes until this year. I was delighted with the ‘famous’ heroes chosen this year, social activists, business people doing extraordinary things and courageous survivors were the only ‘personally unknowns’ in the speeches. This is really important to me because I feel young people need real role models. Role models that are worthy of their admiration and worth imitating.

Most students select a family member. Grandparents, mothers, fathers, aunts, brothers and sisters are all the people most looked up to by teenagers over the 6 years I have been teaching year 9 English. The love and gratitude the teenagers express in these speeches are precious. Whenever I can, I let parents know this because I wonder if they realise how much their young person appreciates and respects them.Usually they are surprised.

Tears came to my eyes in class a few times whilst listening to the speeches as they were so touching. As I looked around the room, some of the students were feeling similarly moved. I felt proud this class has created such a safe learning environment that they can share their passions and express their emotions within it. It feels human to me.

Massage Course – Day one

With my trimmed fingernails and numerous towels I headed off this morning for day one of the course. I called into my closest polling booth to vote and was totally dismayed by the long line. I couldn’t wait as I knew I would be late. I was early then and surprised there was no polling booth nearby. I was a bit stuck on that concern, I think I was nervous about doing the course. I found one at lunchtime with no line, and there was no problems.

It was a bit confronting to me, the thought of massaging people I don’t know. I had no problem receiving massages from strangers though. I think for some of the participants it may have been the other way around. I love getting massages though.

It was interesting being a learner again. It’s been a little while since I’ve taken a class or course. I enjoyed it. It was a little uncomfortable for me to massage strangers to be honest and I am looking forward to practicing what I have learnt on my family and close friends. I have learnt ways to position myself so I won’t be as tired. I have a new understanding of the routines of massage and the reasons for doing things. I am looking forward to learning more tomorrow. The other participants won’t be strangers by then!

I have also purchased a table that looks great and after researching it, the deal they offered was great. I can really feel the difference in giving a massage on a table and know it will allow me to feel less strained and tired, whilst giving this great experience to the people I love.

I am really glad I committed to this course because I wouldn’t have made it this weekend, without having committed to it a while ago when all that I have on my plate right now, wasn’t in my face!