Sifting Through Memories

I have spent much of these ‘at home’ holidays, on improving my home. When my daughter moved out, my son claimed her room and lets just say the transition was quick and rough. Things have been shoved and tucked away and as a result out of the four rooms upstairs, only one has been fit to be in. I have a lot of storage space up there too, yet it has been very poorly utilised.

I have spent today sorting through the ‘stuff’ my daughter has kept during her 18 years so far. Her dad dropped in to see my son today and declared she had a similar stash at his place! She also has another ‘home’ in Melbourne with all the important stuff she needs.

I have discussed this sorting out with her and she agreed that she didn’t really need to keep every assignment and workbook she had filled in the 13 years at school. I have also culled some of the things I know she wouldn’t want. So we have boxes of karate memories, travel memories (she has been to US, Italy and NZ, as well as around Australia), cards and letters (who knew kids wrote to each other so much and in such a variety of ways!), photo’s, important school stuff (certificates, school captain badges, photos, awards etc), soft toys, journals and diaries and performance stuff (music, drama, debating, choir).

There was so much, I didn’t really have time to read her diaries and letters as I always feared my mum would when I moved out of home. I did reflect though on how much she has achieved in her life. She’s awesome!

The room is empty now and the boxes are labelled and taped up and sitting in one of the storage areas. I wonder when/if she’ll ever look at it all again. I just couldn’t get rid of it all. I don’t feel as sad as I thought I would, but it has been months since she left, so perhaps that’s why it took so long.

Random Facts About Me

I have been tagged by Kim @ Laketrees for:
10 Random Facts
The Rules of this tag:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List ten (10) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eleven people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. These eleven persons would have to tag 12 people.
5. You could also tag back, if desperate !
6. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

I’m not experienced at the Meme, so bear with me. I like randomness though. So here goes.

1. My daughter has the same middle name as me, so has my friend, Rhonda.
2. The last film I saw was ‘Becoming Jane’ – nice movie (if you like romantic unhappy endings)
3. I had noodles for dinner.
4. I’ve had 20+ jobs in my life.
5. My car is black.
6. I come from a family of 6 kids.
7. I barrack for Richmond no matter how much I dislike football
8. Every school holidays I find more stuff to take to the Op shop.
9. I started teaching at 35 and love it.
10. I am listening to Tori Amos right now.

Now the really tricky bit. I can’t tag 11 people. I will tag the following people one one condition: They feel free to pass, no offence taken, if they choose. I’m not sure if that is the correct etiquette, but I wanted to say that.
So these are the chosen ones that I would love to learn more about minus the ones I have read many memes about and suspect they could be over them:

Semantically Driven
Cerebral Mum
Duchess and the Duke
Sultana Blog

as well as anyone else who would like to play.


Floyd Craig has given me an award. As I am not familiar with his blog, I have checked it out today and there was much there to read and learn. I enjoyed my time there. I particularly loved in his profile under occupation, he has written, retired not retarded. That made me laugh. I hope it hasn’t been inspired by disrespect.

It was a really pleasant surprise.