Full Moon 27th September 2007

This full moon in Aries is good for new beginnings and setting intentions for a fresh start. I’ve been reading a few different astrologers perspectives on this during this week because I’ve had the time. There are some different views though. You might want to read the following if this interests you:
Mystic Medusa:Mars Mood Cures
Christine Broadbent: Planetary Currents

The Harvest Moon tomorrow night is named for the Northern Hemisphere. Obviously it’s not harvest time here. The name for the first moon in spring would be the Grass Moon. The names of full moons are also listed on the Earth and Sky website.

So I’m setting my intentions for beginning again. I’ve been doing heaps of cleaning and clearing of unwanted stuff, both in my home and in my head. I have revisited one of my most helpful books “Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All” by Gerald G. Jampolsky M.D.

One small distinction I have made for myself is that I have began intending to ‘feel’ rather than to ‘be’. It has really changed the way I imagine the outcome and I think it might enhance my results. It will be interesting to see. Tomorrow I will redo my goals for this next term. I like to revisit my personal mission statement and goal setting each holidays. So this seems like a good time.

I enjoy this and don’t check back on my goals and intentions throughout the term (I could make excuses yet can’t be bothered). I achieve many things I set out to. I think it’s just good to get clear about what I want. Then I can throw myself into the random, spontaneous, frantic pace of the term.

Staying In Touch

I was chatting to my son’s friend Brigitte on the way to the deb the other night. She is completing her VCE in a town that is over 3 hours away from here. She moved when she was in year 8. They (son and friend) caught up online. They weren’t close friends when she lived here. She is a year older than he. They reconnected on My Space and are very close friends now. Brig stays here for weekends and he has been to her new place for weekends as well. Her extended family lives here still.
I chatting with Brig about staying in contact with people when she finishes school. I remembered when I finished HSC (as it was known, back in the day) that I lost touch with mobs of people that I had seen every day at school for around 12 years. It was weird. They weren’t close friends, but I liked many of the kids and never really saw most of them again. I told her to appreciate all those acquaintance-type people.
Living in a country town, many people move away when they finish school. When I caught up with lots of them at our 20 year school reunion, they were mostly the same as they were at school. It was fun.
Anyway Brig and I were wondering if kids today will stay in touch better with MSN and the Internet. She is going to be an experiment for me and let me know if it happens.

Coughing and Spluttering

I have had the full range of winter ailments this year. On this first day of the holidays I have woken with a sore chest and cough. I did enjoy a full nights sleep last night.
I am drenched with relief that it is holidays. Last term was just too full on for me personally. I need to rest, clean my home, throw out stuff and catch up on all the details of my life. I have no travel plans. I am going to get re-acquainted with my home.
I put my son on a plane yesterday to join his dad in QLD for a holiday. It will be quiet around here without him and his friends. The last two nights there have been a tangle of bodies sleeping in his room each night and lots of comings and goings and laughter. I love the kids, but honestly will appreciate a break in the traffic.
Andy is off to Tassie today. I don’t know how I feel about that. Mixed I guess, is all I can say.