Waiting for Jane

And Sam of course. My friend Jane lives in WA and she has been on a holiday to Jindabyne and is passing through tonight on her way to Melbourne. I am so excited to see her. I have even tidied my house!

Normally at this time of the term – one week to go – I am too tired to lift a finger. I need my friends to visit more often so I have my home how I like it.

I’ve brought my beautiful tulips home from work. Unfortunately two blossoms blew off in the wind on the way to the car but hey!

Ishmael and the Return of the Dugongs by Michael Gerard Bauer

The latest offering from Michael Gerard Bauer is perhaps even more hilarious than “Don’t Call Me Ishmael”. I’m not sure though. Both novels contain laugh out loud parts.

In ‘Ishmael and the Return of the Dugongs’ the quest is to capture the heart of Kelly and Ishmael definitely finds himself in some scrapes in this adventure. ‘The Dugongs’ is the name of his fathers old uni rock band that attempts a 20th reunion. Enjoy the familiar characters in new and amusing scenario’s. I especially loved the rivalry between maths nerd Prindabel and Zorzotto (self titled “Razzman”) in the debating final. It was priceless.

I hope Michael Gerard Bauer has started on his next novel, because so far I have loved 3 out 3 novels I have read.

I like this New Moon!

Today has been great for me! It’s a good start to the lunar month I must say.
I have received another gorgeous, hand picked from the garden, bunch of tulips. They are multi-coloured and absolutely lovely. This time the student was brave enough to bring them to the office for me himself and coped very well with all the extra attention he got for being so thoughtful.
Two tulips have bloomed in my own little Andy planted patch.
My best friend Rhonda has brought in piles of chocolates every day because her son sent her a large box. He’s working in a chocolate factory.
Tonight I had my monthly massage and I was intending making it every 6 weeks to save money. It was so divine, I spontaneously booked another for 4 weeks from today! Surely there is something else I could go without 🙂