I learnt this week the peacock was an early christian symbol for eternal life. The legend was that the peacock flesh didn’t decay. I like this symbol. I have always found Easter to be a time of letting go of older, worn out ways of being or thinking. I like the theme of regeneration and immortality.
Although I am not religious in practise, I have usually had some kind of insight or renewal of self at this time of the year. Now I look forward to it.
No it’s not just all about the hot cross buns and the chocolate, yet I wouldn’t be without those either!
A Social Life
I have had a very social weekend. I even went shopping with my little sister Kate this weekend. I love having Kate around, she’s so generous and funny. My friend Rhonda came over yesterday afternoon and we all sat around and laughed till it hurt.
I had two events last night. My twin Auntie and Uncle’s 50th Birthday party and a close friends engagement party. I wanted to attend both and managed it. I forgot to take my camera, which was a shame, but there were camera’s around so I imagine I will see photo’s.
I loved catching up with my family. They are such great fun and I had a few good memories. I saw a photo of my auntie and I, that was taken probably 30 years ago and I immediately remembered how much I idolised her. She was probably 20 and I was probably about 11 or 12. She was heading off to Malaysia with her partner and I was devastated. When she returned after a few years our relationship had changed, I was older, the gap had lessened. I forgot how much I adored her. All my brothers and sister were there and it is always good to catch up with them as well as most of my mum’s 7 brothers and sisters and their families. It was great.
At the second party there were people I worked with and some who had left the school had returned for this party and I loved seeing them again. My work mates are a valued part of my life and it was lovely to catch up with those I’ve missed.
I feel very blessed and happy today. Both my children are home and safe, it is holidays and all is well in my world. I am grateful for the wonderful life I have.
Rediscovering ‘The Invitation’
Today when I got my email from Yasmin Boland about the days astrological weather, she included ‘The Invitation’ by Oriah Mountain Dreaming and that link. I remembered when I first read this peice when my children were little I had seen it in a Wellbeing Magazine and cut it out and put it on the wall beside my bed. I loved it and read it over and over. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.