Holiday Reading

I was limited to taking 2 books away for my holidays. Andy works hard to keep what we take away to a minimum, which is good common sense, but a challenge for me when I read so much. I took Isabel Allende’s Ines of My Soul and totally enjoyed it. It was kind of violent though in parts. I enjoyed the character Ines though and as always enjoyed the way Allende writes.
The second book I took, one that I had already started was ‘The Tesla Legacy’ by Robert G Barrett. I have always been interested in Tesla, since I read about him years ago in Linda Goodman’s book ‘Star Signs’. I am looking forward to seeing the movie ‘The Prestige’, David Bowie, whom I am a fan of, is playing Tesla in this film. It looks like a great film anyway and I love fantasy. Hugh Jackman is another of my favourite actors, he’s an Aussie too!
Anyway getting back to the book,it was a light and easy read with lovable characters and some interesting ideas. Andy read it also and agreed it was a bit childish in parts but still enjoyable.
I finished these books in Woolongong, so set out to find some second-hand bookshops on the way home to fulfil my need to read. My first find was ‘Maestro’ by Peter Goldsworthy in a fabulous second-hand bookshop in Kiama, where we stayed on the first night of the trip home. My son Tom has it on his booklist so I thought that would be a good buy. I loved it. I was quite surprised by it to be honest. I have read ‘Keep It Simple Stupid’ and thoroughly enjoyed that, yet found this to be a very different style. It deepened my love of Baci chocolates! I intend to read all his books this year.
Maestro was a short book, so my next find was ‘The Moon and Sixpence’ by W. Somerset Maugham in an op shop at Bateman’s Bay. It was a very hot day and we had walked the streets in a frustrated search for a second-hand bookshop. Eventually we found the op shop and I couldn’t see anything that interested me and Andy recommended this book as one he had loved. I thoroughly enjoyed it. In the beginning it was a shift in concentration because the language is less contemporary, but once into the story and characters, I couldn’t tear myself away. It is a real journey. This book is freely available from Project Gutenburg here,as are a number of Maugham’s other novels, which I will also read this year. In fact after this experience these holidays I think I will get some ebooks one of my memory sticks to take on holidays. The problem is when you are camping it’s a challenge.
My final book purchase was from the shop in Mallacoota that has lots of second hand stuff and a range of books. I found a book there called ‘Briar Rose’ by Jane Yolen, which was another enjoyable read, but unfortunately I consumed it too quickly and was without a book for our last night at Orbost.

Dry and Hot

Driving home yesterday was the first time since we’d left Gippsland, we were surrounded again by the smoke. It was hot and the countryside looks so dry. We didn’t experience the extreme hot weather in NSW. It was pleasant to be away from the smoke and the heat. The neighbour who collected our mail for us said it’s been hot and smoky during the weeks we’ve been away. I’m glad I’ve had a break from it.

Home Sweet Home

I am home. I love returning after a long holiday, especially when I’ve done a bit of camping, everything seems so comfortable and easy! I will write about my trip as I have handwritten daily since I have been away and have many little stories to tell.
I have returned home to my son having two broken hands and a black eye. He fell over and broke his hands outside a shop in town. Whilst he was away a cricket ball hit him in the eye. I am concerned about him.
I spent the afternoon transporting the stuff from the car to the house and have yet to do all the washing and proper unpacking. My family and friends called around to catch up so the afternoon was mostly pleasantly spent and now the work lies before me.
I have heaps of email and feeds to scan and mostly delete, because I feel I would never catch up. I have a pile of snail mail to work through. I read 5 books and saw a few movies whilst I was away so I’ll also be mentioning them down the track.
We travelled through the hills to Wollongong and spent a week there and home via the coast. It was a great trip.