Tag: Ella


Ella passed away this week. The emptiness is vast. I hurt for Andy’s massive loss also. He has loved her and had her as a constant companion for 11 years. I have never been privelaged to see such a close bond. She was a blessed part of our lives and her beauty and grace will continue to be missed for a long time.

Beautiful Willow

I walked down by the river yesterday. I love these willowy trees. I also took some film of an amazing flowering camillia.

It had two different pink coloured flowers. One was the lighter pink and the other a darker pink. It was so tall also.

I haven’t been for a walk for ages. I really enjoy the late afternoon walks but only manage them on weekends. After school I am always too tired. I need to walk before school on weekdays.

I had full intentions of doing that, this morning but Ella is sick with a cough and I worried and listened to her coughing most of the night, so couldn’t get up this morning, despite my plans.