I have finally completed the latest Harry Potter. I guess it has only been a week, yet it was really burning a hole in my attention span so to speak. I kept wanting to read it and attempting to steal time from other activities. I had a delightful surprise this week at school when a friend put her copy (she had finished it) on my desk with a block of chocolate after hearing me complain about sharing with my son. He finished the same day! So I had a copy at home and at school and slotted in reading in every spare moment.
I was totally satisfied with the conclusion to the story and am very grateful to J.K. Rowling for the many hours of pleasure she has given me and my loved ones. We have all read it now and can discuss how it ended. It is the general consensus in my family that we are satisfied with how it ended up.
One Whole and Perfect Day by Judith Clarke
Family Focus
Families are the focus in this contender for the Childrens Book Council Awards shortlisted for Older Readers. In One Whole and Perfect Day by Judith Clarke an interesting family of characters is assembled, complications are listed and neatly resolved by the end. There is warmth and magic as the broken down things in the central teenagers life come together at the end to form the whole and perfect day.
People with Flaws
I liked the characters and settings. I loved the grandparents especially. The grandmother living in her beautiful world and creating magic and harmony for the family. The cranky grandpa who threatens and rants in the family, yet privately is not racist or cruel. They were believable and offered insight into the ways children, parents, grandparents and community interact and form happy alliances, warts and all.
There was compassion in this story. The characters cared for others. Each of them demonstrated their vulnerability and extended care for one another and outsiders and this was the strength of the story to me.
CBCA Award Comments
I found the start hard to get involved with, and feel this book isn’t in the same league as the previously read shortlisted books. Yet having said that, it is a pleasing tale and is well worth a read.
Teeth and other pains
Dentists – Aagh
My son had braces put on today. A couple of weeks ago he had to have 2 teeth removed to accommodate this. It didn’t go as hoped and the root of the tooth broke off and was lodged up somewhere(don’t want to go into much detail as it makes me sick to think of it). On Saturday, he had it removed by a dental surgeon and then finally today, the braces went on. He was swollen and brave.
Don’t Do It!
I have fought the braces all the way. I objected to teeth being removed. He is seventeen however and he wanted them. I hope it is worth the pain and expense. I can’t bear it. I had overcrowded teeth and had heaps removed and some orthodontic work. I don’t think it was worth it, but I’m hoping the technology has improved, for his sake.
Bye Auntie Karren
She was a strong, down to earth woman, a hardworking and humble person who was much loved. She made me laugh with her honest observations she would make and just cut through the bullshit and say what she saw. She shared her life with my Uncle, who will miss her deeply. They ran a business together, were hospitable to the large family we have, loved their kids and grand kids, travelled together and had a good life.
My response
We had a big family funeral today for my Auntie. With report writing and dentist appointments mingled in with all the day to day goings on in my life, I had managed not to think about it much, other than to commit to quitting smoking, which seemed like a rational thing to do. My parents are away and couldn’t come back, so it was easier to stay in denial. I knew my brother and the rest of the family were doing all the right things. Today however it was harder. It was good to see all my family today rallying around my Uncle. It was a good funeral, as funerals go.
I have a big headache now and I’m going to bed.