Today I spent the afternoon with my good friend Jane. One of the things we discussed, was entering the ABC reality show things called ‘The Abbey’. It seemed like a good idea. When I got home tonight and checked Mystic Medusa’s blog for a bit of insight into why my electricity is failing me, she had mentioned it so I saw it as a sign and emailed the application to Jane.
Jane bought me another one of those delicious mouse things that I have previously photographed and put on this blog, so will resist doing so again. I wanted to enjoy it with a coffee, but the electric kettle and electric stove are holding me back from this right now.
NOT FAIR! is about all I can manage because I have the flu. STILL!!
I am not sure why my power is failing me, but I can say that I am tired and cranky and I want to make myself a coffee but it seems the only thing I can turn on in the house right now, without taking out the entire home’s power is my laptop and fluorescent light. This is a sign I think for me to retire to bed and worry about it in the morning.
I am Me by Virginia Satir
Today I am going to share ‘I am Me’ with some students because last night I dreamt about it. I remembered when I was at the Neighbourhood house and I put the poem up on the toilet wall and so many people commented to me that it made them feel good. I had forgot about it. I have been wondering how to improve some students self esteem. Last night I dreamt about that peice of writing and today I am going to act on that message and share it with them.
I am tired. There are only two days of school to go. We have parent teacher interviews tonight and a big school assembley today. My daughter is going to be assisting to run the school assembley so I am nervous for her and I hope it all goes well. She has high standards and expectations, which are admirable. I am looking forward to it and hoping for her that she is pleased with her results.
Last night we went out for dinner. I haven’t been out for dinner for a long time and the food was divine. We went to Neilsons in Traralgon and it was the most enjoyable meal out. The company was great too. Women I work with and see every day, yet we are always in a rush, so it was lovely to share leisurely and relaxed time with them.
On to the day!

I received a free tarot reading for mothers day this morning. I rushed through it and noticed of all the cards that I got the Death card. It is so appropriate for me right now. I have had a seriously busy week and lots of things have happened around me that I won’t go into because they are mostly other people’s stories and not mine to tell. I’ll just say that some of my closest friends have been through harsh times. It hurts to see people you love hurt. I feel changed.
I got an email from another Tarot site that I used to read about the Death card meaning transformation. I guess it was there to insist even if I had been too rushed this morning to register it in the reading. I got it.
I have made some decisions about small changes I am going to instigate in my life.
My long time and treasured friend, Jane bought me this gorgeous treat from the bakery as a gift for a small favour I did and I couldn’t possibly eat it without photographing it. The anticipation and visual deliciousness of it deserves sharing. I’ll let you know if the taste measures up!