Tag: friends


I have spent a bit of time this week looking at houses for sale. I like houses that are spacious and a bit different. There aren’t too many around. I have always been willing to overlook many expensive problems for something in that category. Which is quite dangerous to my finances. It’s lucky I have someone who is level headed with me this time.
A bit different, to me, is not paint colour or extreme laminex, but structual difference. I like homes that have been built to incorporate the environment outside or with designs that take into account views or weather. I like houses that are not the same as every other house in the streets. I like streets with individual houses and no twins in sight.
There are a lot of little houses with renovations done that are fabulous and others that are too extreme and appear out of character for the house. I am growing to prefer the beige that Stan our interior decorator when we were in ‘Unique Furnishings’ always recommended with a laugh. Reminds me of the ‘beige joke’ told at my wedding.


I received a free tarot reading for mothers day this morning. I rushed through it and noticed of all the cards that I got the Death card. It is so appropriate for me right now. I have had a seriously busy week and lots of things have happened around me that I won’t go into because they are mostly other people’s stories and not mine to tell. I’ll just say that some of my closest friends have been through harsh times. It hurts to see people you love hurt. I feel changed.
I got an email from another Tarot site that I used to read about the Death card meaning transformation. I guess it was there to insist even if I had been too rushed this morning to register it in the reading. I got it.
I have made some decisions about small changes I am going to instigate in my life.
My long time and treasured friend, Jane bought me this gorgeous treat from the bakery as a gift for a small favour I did and I couldn’t possibly eat it without photographing it. The anticipation and visual deliciousness of it deserves sharing. I’ll let you know if the taste measures up!

Not going to the Park

Earlier in my life, I lived in the Berwick area on and off for around 10 years. I must have driven past Wilson Botanical Park literally 100s of times and never took the opportunity to visit. Today I was visiting old friends in that part of the world and my best friend and partner had an appointment there. It has changed heaps. I don’t know why but I decided we should go to Wilson B. P. for a check out. It was amazing. A really beautiful space in the heart of the hustle and bustle of an overgrown village. If you live in that area you really should check it out and spend some time there.
You can see forever. It is refreshing to be out of the rat race and it is just delightful.
We shouldn’t take these things for granted because our wild spaces are shrinking. There were very few people there, which is amazing considering how busy the rest of Berwick is. I hope that it always remains a sanctuary for the wildlife and people who do need to see nature.