Tag: gratitude

My 40th Birthday

I am 40. My wonderful family and friends celebrated a washed out party with me last night. I enjoyed seeing all the people I love and enjoying their company.
I don’t feel different.
I feel the same way I have always felt.
I appreciate my family and friends and all the great things I have in my life. I feel blessed.

This is so cool

I really can’t believe I have done this. It wasn’t that hard really. I like writing. The ‘novel’ is lacking a great storyline and quite a few other features that would make it enjoyable for other people to read to be frank with myself as well as you, but I learnt that I could actually keep up the daily writing thing with ease and quite a lot of pleasure besides. This was good. I am going to do this again. I made it. Woot! – as the kids at school say. I would celebrate only I don’t especially feel like drawing attention to myself. I am happy and satisfied on the inside and that’s heaps for me.
The other cool thing I must own is that I am so close to finishing my reports that I may just be celebrating that tomorrow night. I really have a great feeling that I have taken my life back under my own control. Feels good!

Young People Today

During the week I took my son and three of his friends to the ‘Taste of Chaos’ concert in Melbourne. I really didn’t want to do it because it was in the middle of the week and would mean I wouldn’t hit my pillow until after 2.00am.
I agreed to do it because he has been really supportive of me this year through many of the trials I have had. He has given me honest feedback and encouraged me to express my feelings and bolstered up my confidence on a number of occasions when I have felt that I was a failure. I didn’t expect my own child to fulfil this role for me and it has meant the world to me. I wanted to do something special for him to show my appreciation.
The kids were amazing on the night. They were so grateful and joyful. I am so pleased I did this. I was surprised. I had no real expectation other than to be tired and pushed to fit it in and it was an absolute pleasure.
As a secondary teacher, I get to see plenty of young people and I find most of them to be remarkably wonderful in all honesty.