Tag: holidays

New Moon Tonight

Mystic Medusa inspires me to follow the advice of my other favourite astrologer Yasmin Boland for tonight’s new moon. I am going to write some intentions in my journal and light a candle at 10.05 to add some weight to my focus.
Holidays End
I am experiencing the general regret that the holidays are over and a little angst at how little I’ve achieved.
Learning Experience
Most school holidays I go away for a week with my significant other. We go for little local holidays in self-contained holiday houses and just get away from it all. We walk, nap, eat, watch movies, read and generally refresh ourselves. I chose not to go this holiday. I felt like I had too much to do and I’d had the flu and I just couldn’t be bothered with the effort it would take to get away. I have probably achieved less than I usually do during the holidays. What was I thinking? I should have gone!


Tomorrow I start back at work after the school holidays. This Easter/Autumn/first term break always goes way too quickly. I have achieved some things I set out to do and enjoyed time with my family, but as usual there are always the unfinished things that linger. Tomorrow I will have forgotten them and if they are important, I will squeeze them in during the term at some stage or else they will be there waiting for me in June, when the next holidays begin.

Films during the Easter 07 holidays

The film ‘300′ was based on a graphic novel. I found that interesting as I brought a pile home from the school library to read. I haven’t made much progress with them. There is an interesting one on Chinese Myths that I will use with the year 7’s for Imperial China topic. Getting back to the film though, I really enjoyed it. It was a great heroic, action film.

Children of Men was a futuristic look at a bleak reality where no more children can be born. It was a really well done film and is one of the best I’ve seen lately. Great characters, particularly Jasper, played by Michael Caine.

I finally saw The Prestige on DVD these holidays. I have been longing to see it and will watch it again because it was great. I wanted to see it because of my long term facination with David Bowie and Tesla. It was also a good story with an interesting outcome.

I partially viewed the DVDs The Guardian and Memoirs of a Geisha I couldn’t really get into ‘The Guardian’, even though I am a big fan of Kevin Costner usually. Andy loved it though. ‘Memoirs’ was ok but I kept getting interupted and only really partially saw it after restarting it three times and now I can’t be bothered with it. Not meant to be!

The real dissappointment for the holidays was the Australian film Boytown. It was corny and terrible. I guess it was the subject matter of a boy band that killed it. I usually enjoy Glenn Robbins and Mick Molloy, but think this movie was pushing it a lot of the time.