Tag: interesting blogs

Love is all you need

I read Craig Harper’s blog on Sunday night and was touched by one of his readers stories. I have been reading this blog for a while and whilst it’s often amusing, I think his latest post, ‘Maybe the Beatles Were Right’ is the best of his posts I’ve read. He’s so right and perhaps so were the Beatles as well as a lot of others who have mentioned this over time. I have had my own little wake up calls around this topic this last week or so, so I know what I am talking about here.

May is seriously birthday month around here. Tom, Pat, Nicole, my nana were all born in May. I seem to know heaps of people born then also. It’s Kat’s birthday today. Happy birthday to you…etc.

My parents have headed off in their caravan to join the grey nomads. I’m delighted for them. I will also miss them. I love having them nearby even though I don’t see them all the time. It will be great for them to get away and see this great country though.


Kathy Sierra’s Creating Passionate Users, Valentine’s Day post is spot on. As are most of her posts.

“And why do you read this blog? I always ask myself, “how can I help my readers in some way?” Whether it’s a tip or trick, a post you can use to help make your case to your boss, a new way of looking at something, a potential source for an idea, a pointer to something useful…I try to make 90% of the posts here for you. And you in turn respond with the most amazing, insightful, inspirational, and often entertaining comments. What’s good for you is what’s good for the blog. And for me.”

I love reading this blog because she does provide useful ideas. It works. Thanks Kathy

Cloudbursting by Kate Bush

I wish Kate would bring her machine here and make some rain. Our town is drying up. All the people who cut their lawns really short, now have dead lawns. Ours still has a little green because we keep it long and leave the clippings on it, which I think helps to keep the grass alive.
It’s less smoky here today though than yesterday. I got a clip of the smoke coming from the nearby hills, but am having some issues with Revver right now so I can’t put it up. I will probably put it on Blip TV later tonight if I haven’t sorted it out and post it here tomorrow or later.
This blog post Cloudbursting on the blog “Cool Looking Stuff” is a great compilation of clips associated with Kate Bush’s great song from the ‘Hounds of Love’ album, Cloudbusting. There is an interview on the post that explains where she got her inspiration. I just love to learn about the inspiration behind the art. Whatever the art! It truly helps me to learn to draw from my own different sources when I am creating.