Tag: parenting


Last night I watched this movie, Chumscrubbers.  My son recommended it to me and said it was like Donnie Darko as he knew I’d really enjoyed that. He finds great movies!
Andy and I found this movie quite disturbing, because we can see the reality in it. It was scary to watch and scary because you can recognise so much of our existence in it. I was just saying to my friend the other day how I really don’t know what my kids life is like, but I just have to trust them. I really try to stay in good communication with them but I know there are times I don’t succeed. I don’t think I am as extreme as the parents in the movie, but I am confident that some of us are some of the time. If you are a parent, you should watch this.
It also speaks to me of the drug culture in our society. I really find the ADHD drugging of children disturbing. I am not an expert and I probably don’t have any qualification to say that, but I just feel it’s not right. It reminds me of that other great film ‘Thumbsuckers‘, it had one of the same actors in it as well as a host of other great names.
I found this little clip on MSN that discusses the parent angle in this film, you might like to watch that too.
On a lighter note, this blogger found this to comment on, which is another aspect of the film that was lighter and more enjoyable.

Ups and Downs

This week has been a rollercoaster ride. I have been all over the place emotionally and mentally.
My daughter had her graduation this week and because she was school captain, had to give a speech. I was so proud of her and in awe of her speaking abilities. She has such a presence when she speaks in public and I am always bursting with pride when I hear her. I also feel a little nostalgic about her finishing school.
My son has had a bit of a health issue that we’re still not sure about. I am worried yet hopeful it will all be ok at the same time. So therefore quite up and down about that.
Naturally it is report writing week!
I managed to squeeze in ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, with the school and it lived up to it’s name because it was inconvenient. When you live in a regional area though, you have to support these films with small niche audiences,or they don’t come back! Also there was a group organised from school/work, so I didn’t want to miss it either.
I read weblogg-ed: “Is Reading Dead” this morning and remembered a lovely moment this week, I might have forgotten in the big action of this week. One of my year 7s who at the beginning of the year hated reading came to tell me she had finished the book I recommended for her last week. As I was so busy and self absorbed, I nearly brushed her off with a nod and a ‘well done’ smile, but she wouldn’t accept that. She said “Tell me, did you cry?”. I had to have a look then and really remember the book. It was Painted Love Letters by Catherine Bateson. I admitted that I had sobbed when I read it. It was a great book. She really wanted to share the effect it had on her.
These are the peak moments for me as a teacher. I nearly lost that moment in the rush of the week, so my answer to the question ‘Is reading dead?’, is no way. This happens quite regularly enough for me to keep going to school every day, correcting, writing reports, doing yard duty and all the other parts of being a teacher that I find less inspiring and enjoyable.

Sunday dinner & ‘The Secret’

Last night we had our family Sunday dinner thing, that I have insisted upon since the midyear holidays. I was away at Loch Sport and I did a tonne of reading in the Personal Growth category. I took a few podcasts and generally had a big revision of my life, as I am inclined to do fairly regularly, anyway, the big thing, that I felt I was unhappy about was the lack of time I spend with my kids. I know it is natural for them to be out and about being teenagers, but I missed them. I already have to share them with their dad and now with their friends and part-time jobs added to that, it seemed I was just squeezing in the occasional nag about the mess in their rooms.
So whilst I was away I decided that I would back off with the nagging and let go of expected them to be home all the time, but in exchange for that they would both have to promise to be home for dinner on Sunday nights. We would eat together, at the dinner table, a good meal and catch up. I love Sunday nights now. Previously they had simply been a last clutch of the weekend, but now I plan a great meal, we set the table and enjoy each others company.
After dinner we sometimes watch a movie and once we played the DVD game my brother gave us for Christmas last year. It was great fun. Anyway, I’m sure you can see where this is heading.. Last night I forced them to watch ‘The Secret’. They all complained and doubted and thought they would end up having to buy something. Afterwards, they all said they enjoyed it and that it was good. Regardless of their experience of it, I enjoyed it a lot more watching it for the second time. I noticed a few more things and I think I will watch it regularly to remind myself. Thoughts are Things.