Tag: personal growth

Rebelling Against Myself

I think I have some kind of ‘Don’t tell me what to do!’ attitude towards myself! For weeks now I have been attempting to get up early and go for a walk. Every morning I have just continued to lay in bed and get another half to an hours sleep, leaving it too late to go for a walk. Even whilst I was on holidays, my mind was filled with excuses about why I couldn’t, shouldn’t, or plain didn’t want to.
Yesterday when I was journalling I wrote that all promises to myself were off as far as walking in the morning went. I had been feeling like a failure about it. I had been reading this interview with Stephen M. Covey (Stephen R. Covey’s son) about ‘Trust’ and how important it was in business etc. He’s writing a book called ‘The SPEED of Trust : Why Trust Is the Ultimate Determinant of Success or Failure in Your Relationships, Career, and Life’ He talked about breaking agreements with yourself so I figured I shouldn’t keep doing this.
Anyway, this morning, with no pressure, I popped out of bed, put my runners on and went walking. Go figure!

bk_keywords: Stephen Covey.

Loch Sport

I have just returned from a week away at Loch Sport. Well actually, we stayed about 8 kms out of Loch Sport at a place called the 90 Mile Beach Holiday Retreat. I have barely seen another human, apart from Andy of course for a week and I loved every minute of it to be honest. I feel like a new person. I have read volumes and listened to podcasts I downloaded months ago. I have napped and walked on the beach and taken heaps of photos of shells, which were abundant there. I have had time to think and to imagine. It has been magnificent.
I have shaken off my cold and forgotten all the drama’s I was caught up in before I left. I have made decisions and had ideas about changes I want to make. I have had time to appreciate was a blessed life I live. I am ready to go back to work on Monday with a positive outlook.

I am Me by Virginia Satir

Today I am going to share ‘I am Me’ with some students because last night I dreamt about it. I remembered when I was at the Neighbourhood house and I put the poem up on the toilet wall and so many people commented to me that it made them feel good. I had forgot about it. I have been wondering how to improve some students self esteem. Last night I dreamt about that peice of writing and today I am going to act on that message and share it with them.
I am tired. There are only two days of school to go. We have parent teacher interviews tonight and a big school assembley today. My daughter is going to be assisting to run the school assembley so I am nervous for her and I hope it all goes well. She has high standards and expectations, which are admirable. I am looking forward to it and hoping for her that she is pleased with her results.
Last night we went out for dinner. I haven’t been out for dinner for a long time and the food was divine. We went to Neilsons in Traralgon and it was the most enjoyable meal out. The company was great too. Women I work with and see every day, yet we are always in a rush, so it was lovely to share leisurely and relaxed time with them.
On to the day!