Tag: students


I had a great week at work. I feel really enthused about my classes and teaching this year. There is a really positive feeling amongst most of the teachers I feel. It is great to work with people you love.
I have two new classes this year. One of them is careers and I feel quite adequately experienced having had over 20 jobs in my life. I have also began an enterprise class in digital storytelling. I am quite passionate about that and am enjoying it and hope the students do as well. It is great to learn new things.
Life is good.


I have noticed that to be popular can have a real negative conotation. Students often say to me “They are popular”, like it means they have some flaw in their character. It seems to me that tall poppy syndrome is alive and well when I hear that. I have observed popular people and found that these people in most cases have a genuine love of other people that allows them to make and keep good relationships with others.
There seems to be an underlying opinion that if something is popular it is rubbish. If something pleases most or many of the people, it must be unworthy. Perhaps politicians and those who seek popularity have created this image. Many people who are popular though do not seek popularity as such but find it as a precessional effect of their ability to be of service to others.
A popular decision can sometimes be difficult to find – but when dealing with others, isn’t it best to try to find a solution that pleases the greatest number of people.

I am Me by Virginia Satir

Today I am going to share ‘I am Me’ with some students because last night I dreamt about it. I remembered when I was at the Neighbourhood house and I put the poem up on the toilet wall and so many people commented to me that it made them feel good. I had forgot about it. I have been wondering how to improve some students self esteem. Last night I dreamt about that peice of writing and today I am going to act on that message and share it with them.
I am tired. There are only two days of school to go. We have parent teacher interviews tonight and a big school assembley today. My daughter is going to be assisting to run the school assembley so I am nervous for her and I hope it all goes well. She has high standards and expectations, which are admirable. I am looking forward to it and hoping for her that she is pleased with her results.
Last night we went out for dinner. I haven’t been out for dinner for a long time and the food was divine. We went to Neilsons in Traralgon and it was the most enjoyable meal out. The company was great too. Women I work with and see every day, yet we are always in a rush, so it was lovely to share leisurely and relaxed time with them.
On to the day!