Broken Hill has heaps of murals painted on the walls of plenty of buildings. They show all different aspects of the Hill as the locals call it.

There was a wonderful woman who looked after us when we stayed at Broken Hill. She told me when she arrived she was the first woman to get a job at the previously male dominated club there.
Married women were not able to work, the theory was this would retain jobs for single women and naturally it would retain the male as breadwinner in the family.
This memorial in the picture is in the middle of the outdoor shopping mall in Broken Hill. I liked it.
The sunrise was definately the time to go. The place has amazing 180 degree views. Andy has much better photo’s than mine so I will frame one of his.
We always manage to get up for one sunrise on our holidays. It really is the best time to take photo’s and this was a great place.