Winter Naked Tree

If I think I am cold imagine how this poor tree must feel
It is so cold though. I don’t feel motivated. The son’s gland in his throat is so huge. I was listening to him breathe last night because I was scared the other side might get that big and there would be no channel for him to breathe through. He survived needless to say. I probably should take him to the doctors but he’s already had penicillin twice this year and I don’t think it is healthy. We’ve taken him about 4 times and had swabs and the blood tests for glandular fever. It is still happening though. I am going to make him rest and hopefully his body will find the resources to fight it once and for all.

Bring on the long weekend

Sooo tired. Reports are done, a week to go before holidays. I am looking forward to my friends visiting from Freo and going for a week away with Andy. I have a cold, my son’s glands are up again but he has been tested and he has’t got glandular fever. My best friend from school has been away with that for over a month and I miss her a lot. Pa is struggling with his treatment. The sky is falling.
Experience tells me it will all pass.