Winter Naked Tree

If I think I am cold imagine how this poor tree must feel
It is so cold though. I don’t feel motivated. The son’s gland in his throat is so huge. I was listening to him breathe last night because I was scared the other side might get that big and there would be no channel for him to breathe through. He survived needless to say. I probably should take him to the doctors but he’s already had penicillin twice this year and I don’t think it is healthy. We’ve taken him about 4 times and had swabs and the blood tests for glandular fever. It is still happening though. I am going to make him rest and hopefully his body will find the resources to fight it once and for all.

One Reply to “Winter Naked Tree”

  1. lucky you were listening out. it sure did feel like my thorat would close up as well. grrr stupid blogger.