Author: johblogs

Playtime – Not for girls!

This article follows from Germaine Greer’s speech at Permira Leisureland, a panel debate on the future of the leisure industry in the UK.

When Andrew showed me all his toys, kayaks, camera’s, motorbike and a variety of other novel objects whose purpose is generally leisure and amusement I had nothing to show in return. Half finished crafts for my half finished home, my home itself and my kids are how I spend my leisure time. If I think about leisure time I imagine myself filling it with sleep. I have also noticed that many women don’t play silly games with pets and small children either. This is not a complaint but I think Germaine Greer has accurately described the state of my reality around play.
I especially love the line ” Your house is clean enough. Come out and play” I think that feeling, of playing, having fun, involve food and laughter with others. These things can involve work though. Mmm, I want to find a toy and play with it…

Fresh Start

I have started afresh with my blogging. I deleted the other three sites I have been playing with. This one wins. I don’t need to scatter my energies into four directions. I have a separate blog for work. That is enough! I have been playing with different templates and things though so you can expect to see something new and creative and wonderful template-wise shortly.
Technology is cool and fun. I’m enjoying playing with it. I want to keep it all together now though and not scatter my energies. I have also had some learning experiences recently about reading the fine print online. I have made some mistakes. Correction time!