Hope is a choice. Politicians speak about giving hope … hope and jobs. It’s true, we need that. Is it something anyone can deliver? Hope is something we need to choose to feel. It gives us the ability to be able to go forward in the direction of our dreams. To believe we can make a difference. To dream.
Today I heard the opposite feeling to hope. I heard young people expressing despair about their world. The media is constantly telling us how difficult life is going to be when this or that happens. It’s not the first time change has happened.
Most people who live here, love it here. They love the central location. They love the accepting nature that has welcomed and embraced a multitude of cultures. They love that they have easy access to mountains, oceans, forests, great food, wine and venues for entertainment. The running water, electricity, fresh food, access to technology, education, sporting facilities and support – there are people who can’t access that, even in our world – yet statistically we are not doing too bad. These are spectacular gifts. I have lived in and visited other places and I would not exchange our gifts for anything.
Plastic and other conversations
Plastic free July starts today. I’m impressed with the efforts by those around me to take up the challenge. We had Tammy from Gippsland Unwrapped come to speak to us at The VRI Sunday Talk last month. She told us about her first time challenge and her ongoing quest to reduce plastic in her life. Her approach and the consistent way she has worked towards making a difference in her personal life was motivating. She has some great resources on her blog if you are considering it.
It’s an empowering feeling to act on an issue you have with the world. We all have things we feel strongly about. When I scroll through my Facebook feed I read the many ways people want change. I respect the efforts others go to, such as Tammy and those joining her in reducing waste, to be the change. I have switched to a bamboo toothbrush (compliments of my wonderful daughter) and will take my own bags to our 50 Mile Farmers Market tomorrow. I still have a long way to go though.
I was at the VicHealth Latrobe Community Challenge workshop today with a group of people – all passionate about projects to make a difference. At lunch we had a conversation about cling wrap and it’s overuse, when my friend chose a serviette over a plastic bowl for her lunch because she is taking up the challenge. I looked at my plastic bowl and thought oops. I’ll make a better choice next time. It is actions that make change and surrounding yourself with good role models :).
The VicHealth Community Challenge led by Spark Strategy has been interesting and we have grown our ideas much faster than we could have without it. They have shared this great toolkit – DIY – Development, Impact & You. So many great tools ! I’ve been reflecting on my practices in the last couple of months and getting lots of new tools. I attended Telstra Imaginarium facilitated by Thick nearly a month ago and whilst I missed some sessions due to a cold that swept through The VRI taking it’s turn with each of us, I gained some great resources there. I met people from non-profits across Victoria who are working with new tools to solve problems.
Fresh Start
Since July last year my blog has been unavailable. I have missed making a note of life as it whizzes by and it seems much longer than less than a year that I’ve stopped. I still hope to restore the 10 years of writing, yet if not – here I go again.

In my absence a lot has happened both personally and at work. I am realising the benefit of recording what happens and making the time to pause and write down the important bits.
I’ve had the chance to meet a few bloggers through working on the Connecting Women Across Gippsland Conference last year. There are some amazing local voices. I blog for personal reasons. In the beginning I wanted to learn about blogging – so it was learning by doing in action. I found it useful, so I continued.
I’m re-entering the space with an intention to write better, to apply some of the things I’ve learnt.