Tag: blogging

12 Must Read Books for Teens

I said earlier that I would create my own list of 12 books to read before you turn 12. I can’t do it. I have given it a lot of thought and as I teacher I am constantly referring students to books. Mind you, my students are generally between the ages of 12- 16. I have to know a young person before I could suggest a book for them. I have read a lot of books for young adults. There is such an amazing variety. So I am going to pass on this list. I have mentioned many books that I love for young people. There are 46 blog posts on this blog about young adult reading. This however is only for the last 35 months that I’ve been blogging. I’ve read heaps before I started blogging. It’s just too hard.

My Shakey Reading Memories
I can’t really remember what I read before I turned 12 with any accuracy, but I know Enid Blyton was big for me. I also read a whole series about a nurse called Sue Barton. It was responsible for me thinking I was going to be a nurse when I grew up. In reality I hate the sight of blood though. I loved ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and lots of fairy tales. Some of my favourites were ‘The Princess and the Pea’ and ‘Rapunzel’. Milly Molly Mandy, Pollyanna, Anne of Green Gables were some others I loved. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and lots of school readers I can recall. I remember wishing there were books written by Australians about Australians because the books I read had the seasons and landscape all wrong. I would love to hear from others what they read around these times. I was born in 1965.


My last post has now become an embarrassment to me for several reasons. Firstly because it’s ridiculous to believe that the Mars could look as big as the Moon. Secondly because there are some silly mistakes in it such as the use of ‘cultivate’ instead of ‘culminate’. Thirdly because today I received an apology email from the person who originally sent me the email saying she was sorry but she had fallen for a hoax. Well me too!
I could make excuses and say it was the sleepless night before and the shooting star that caused me to be a little dazed, yet I’m not big on making or accepting excuses, I’d rather admit I’d made a mistake and grab the learning experience.
I could have deleted the post, and possibly should have, yet I often say I live to make others laugh, so the laugh is on me today.

Do you like the new look?

Let’s get the shoulds out of the way.
Yes, I should be correcting so I can have my reports done on time. They are due Friday and it’s a long weekend here. Queen’s Birthday weekend is always really meant to be correct and write reports weekend. I usually don’t though. I have a really tidy home.

It’s warm too cause I have just upgrading from the wood fire heating to a reverse cycle air conditioner. It’s lovely to breath without creating a fog inside. It’s awesome to flick a switch and not have to bring heavy loads of wood in and then spend the time it takes getting the fire to start. I don’t miss the fire at all, but if ever I do, it’s still there in the corner.

Flitting around the Internet
So I have updated the template of my blog, thanks to joining Bumpzee and receiving a lovely visitor to my site from snokky who has Life in the Country and a wonderful template that I decided I could do with. I haven’t finished the renovations yet, a bit like my house! I am searching my backups for this particular photo to put on the header.

Social Networking
Bumpzee is a social networking site and I have realised lately that I haven’t been participating very much in any online communities. I thought I’d see what it was like before I outright reject it and go back to the solitude I like. So here’s to a new online experiment for me.