Tag: family

Stroll through Morwell

Yesterday I had to go to Bunnings to get some more tiles for my mosaic. I have nearly finished putting all the tiles on and I am pleased about this. Andy suggested we go for a walk. I haven’t been exercising much lately so I agreed it would be good. We left from Mid Valley and walked along a drain or a creek, under bridges and through really lovely groups of trees. It was a really pretty view of Morwell and it dispelled some of the impressions I have of Morwell.
I lived in Morwell in the mid eighties. I shared a house with friends close to the town centre. It was when Morwell was less abandoned and I enjoyed my time there.
Unfortunately the battery on my digital camera was flat or I would have taken more photo’s. I had to use my phone camera. There were some really tranquil and pleasant pockets along the walk. It reminds me of the book I love by Thomas Moore “The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life”. In the book he talks about little corners of the world that are magical and special and good for your soul. I think that walk was good for my soul and I don’t know why I so often resist things, which are good for me.

I also took this photo, of some mushrooms growing. I don’t know if you can see them properly. They were the edible mushrooms not the magic ones! I remember around this time of the year going out into the paddocks around Drouin East near my Auntie Angela’s house and coming back with buckets of mushrooms. I really enjoyed it. You don’t really hear of kids going mushrooming much now. I wonder why?

A good day was had by all

I loved today. It was one of those flow days when things fall into place and plans work for everyone. Here is a photo of a corner of my home that I particularly like at just that time when the sun comes in the window.
I made a bit of progress on a project I am working on today and found a few useful tools that will add a lot of value I think.I rearranged appointments successfully so everyone got their needs met – I love it when that happens. I made some good decisions about my mosaic. I haven’t put them into action and I realised today there is not a hope of completing it before going back to work on Monday, but that’s ok, because I want to do it properly. I am getting clearer and clearer about how I want it to be. I’m in no rush to get it right. I’m enjoying the process. I’m feeling happy, creative and very grateful about my life. Just like I was when my daughter Asha rang to say she had a surplus of chocolate and could we help her out. Here’s a picture of Tom with a mouth full. I went for a lovely walk tonight and bumped into an old friend who I discovered lives just around the corner. It made me realise how far I have come in the last 10 years and how much I love my life. I enjoyed window shopping. I prefer that to shopping in the daytime. The crowds of shoppers don’t allow you to stand and stare. The lighting always makes things look better at night.